Jeffrey Ross, Glenoe Associates

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Spring Cleaning Your Business

Many of us recall a time in our lives when "Spring Cleaning" meant a weekend full of family chores designed to put winter and its necessary tools away, and to bring out the implements of spring and summer. It was a good time to open the windows and sweep out the dust accumulated over a long cold winter, not to mention getting rid of things that were worn out or broken, or shop worn. Hey, guess what... not only is this still a good practice for your home, but it may apply to your business as well.

Spring Cleaning Your Products / Services

You know your business. You know what sells, and doesn’t sell. So why are you still offering products or services that aren't selling? Are they still relevant in the market? If not, get out the broom and sweep!

Use your time wisely. The time you waste trying to sell something nobody wants is time you could have been selling them something they want and need. The decision to stop offering a product or service is sometimes an emotional one, especially if it is one that put you on the map. But business sense dictates that you keep your inventory fresh and relevant at all times.

Spring Cleaning Your Clients

The old axiom about 80% of your business coming from 20% of your customers is never exactly accurate. But it is usually close enough to make a legitimate point. The point is, there are approximately 20% of your customers that you want to take special care of - make sure you do that! That is the customer segment that usually deserves the bulk of your attention. But in reality, who always seems to get most of your attention? It's the unpleasant, once-in-a-blue-moon, never-satisfied, slow-to-pay guy that you took on as a favor years ago. You know what? It may be time to sweep him out, too. The time you spend on this guy can be used instead with more interesting and profitable customers and prospects.

Spring Cleaning Your Employees / Associates

It is always difficult to view personal relationships through the cold logical eye of business. Yet it happens that there are people who may no longer be benefitting you businesswise. Maybe someone on your team hasn't fully bought into the program; perhaps someone has resisted newer technology. Maybe you make it an annual practice to terminate the lowest-performing 10% in your organization. Your business is trying to move forward, and maybe there is a person who is holding back. Maybe your business would move faster without the resistance. Time for spring cleaning!

As the economy strengthens, your road to financial recovery is tough enough. You don’t want to be carrying extra, non-essential baggage of any kind. Open those windows, and find that broom. You’ve got some spring cleaning to do!