Jeffrey Ross, Glenoe Associates

Monday, September 12, 2011

Banking Relationships – Are You in Love with Your Banker?

There is a series of television commercials wherein one of the characters says how much he or she loves his/her bank. They are humorous commercials - humorous because they are kind of over the top. Love your bank?? They are humorous because they are absurd. Love your bank???

Those of us unaffiliated with any banking institution (be it professionally or through family ties) rarely work up to that level of affection for our bank and banker. But in reality, that is a shame, and not so absurd.

Think about it. If you are a small business owner, your banker has played a role in starting, maintaining, and protecting your livelihood. In a perfect world, the financing your banker has done for you over the years inspires something in you close to love. And with this kind of relationship, you can go to your banker and discuss any financial challenges you might be experiencing or anticipating, rather than waiting for your annoyed banker to contact you when you've been repeatedly late with payments. It may not exactly be romance, but this kind of corporate love has benefited many businesses, and many banks, over the years.

However, what if the day comes when the spark is no longer there? Maybe your banker retires, and the new guy who took over doesn't really “get” you or your business. Maybe the personal attention you used to get doesn't seem so personal any more. The magic is gone.

It is okay to look around for other options. In fact, I would say you owe it to yourself and your business to look at other options. Think of it this way: banks are in business to serve you – you are not in business to be beholden to any bank! So if your banker is not showing you enough love, there are other suitors out there. Just do your due diligence, because, as you know, all that glitters is not gold.

Explore your options, and find a banking relationship that you love. You, and your business, are worth it!