Jeffrey Ross, Glenoe Associates

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Management by Objective

Management by Objective is not a new concept. It has been written about in many books and articles over the years. If used properly it can be extremely useful to any company. I used this in a company I owned many years ago. It was so successful I continued using MBO in every company I owned after that.

The concept is very simple:

Create a set of goal for your company. When you do this make sure you include your management team. This way they will buy into and take ownership of the concept.
You will have the overall goals for the company such as increased profits, increased market shares, etc.
Present the goals to the whole company
You then set divisional goals
You then set goals for each individual within each division
Make the rewards whatever you think will motivate the whole team
The rewards are only realized when all employees act as a team. If there are slackers on a team, the other team members will put pressure on them to produce or leave.

This is a great team builder. But remember, if the CEO and by extension the management team is not fully committed to this concept it will not work.

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