Thursday, December 20, 2012
10 Ways of Failing at Strategic Planning
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Business Strategy: How to Get There from Here
- CEO is to create the vision and oversee execution
- Create strategy plan collaboratively with top management, so there is buy-in
- Have the correct people in the right positions to execute, and hold them accountable
- Communicate up, down and sideways, and do so frequently
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
3 Things You Should Know to Run a Successful Business
- Communicate: To your employees, the Company Vision and Mission. I know you hear a lot about “this vision thing,” and that's because it’s very important. It’s how you see your company and what you want it to be to your employees.
- Communicate: To your customers, so they know what you do and why you are unique. This is your business' value proposition.
- Communicate: To your suppliers, investors and bankers about who you are, what you are, and what you want to be. Communicating these ideas will help you get there.
The Vision is probably banging around in your head. Write it down! Show it to your management team and the rest of your employees. They will appreciate it. They will give you feedback. They will understand your company better, and you may understand it better, yourself.
The Mission should be prepared inclusively. The more people who participate in the process the more they will all take ownership and pride in it.
Put your Mission Statement everywhere: in the office, on your stationary, your business cards, your website, on your trucks, if you have them. The more you and your employees see it, the more it will become ingrained in your day to day operations. The more your customers see it, the more they will connect it to the products or services you provide.
Try this; I have done it. It really does work. Feel free to call me and let's talk about it!
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Selling Your Business: Now or Later?

For more thoughts on this topic, I invite you to check out this article. For some nuts & bolts thinking on the sale of a business, check out this article.
Friday, August 31, 2012
Delegating for Success
Friday, August 10, 2012
You Should Be Committed
A corporate culture that lives and breathes the Corporate Mission.
Everything each employee says or does is in the best interest of the company, fellow employees and vendors, and most importantly the customers.
The differentiation in the marketplace that says we are better than our competitors and we can prove it by action, not words.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Management by Objective
Friday, July 27, 2012
Benefits of a Board of Advisors
Thursday, July 26, 2012
What Makes a Good Business Leader?
There are all kinds of ways of defining a good leader. Therefore there are no right or wrong answers to this question.
I think the best leaders are determined by results. However these results can be measured both quantitatively and qualitatively.
- Did he/she attain the stated sales/profit goals?
- Did he/she attain the stated increase in market share?
- Did he/she launch an important new product successfully?
However, in many cases, the Qualitative measurements are at least if not more important in certain circumstances such as in a “turn around” situation or a new company start-up in its later stages.
- Does the CEO (leader) have a clear vision and able to articulate it to management?
- Has the CEO (leader) recognized his/her weaknesses and hired people who posses those strengths to fill those weaknesses?
- Is the CEO (leader) able to “rally” the troops to get the job done?
Both of these measurements are very important. Although sales and profits ultimately define the success of a good leader, long term success relies on the qualitative as well.
Hey, no one said this was going to be easy!
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Bad Bosses are Bad News
I recently read an interesting post on Harvard Business Review's blog, called How Damaging Is a Bad Boss, Exactly? Having witnessed the ill effects of poor leadership in businesses throughout my career, I believe that is a significant determining factor in a business' overall success (or lack of same).
Bad bosses cost the company in so many ways:
- Loss of good employees - the better the employee, the less tolerant he/she will be of a bad boss
- Cost of replacing and training - for every good employee you lose, there are valuable resources used to try to make up for that loss
- Bad morale - your service will certainly suffer with a bad boss, as customers will bear the brunt of your employees' unhappiness
- Loss of productivity - your business' production will certainly underachieve, if not suffer, due to lack of motivation
It is incumbent upon senior management to recognize bad bosses early and to replace them with good ones quickly. If not a company will have nothing but trouble going forward.
If a good employee is honest at an exit interview he/she will tell why they are leaving. Management should investigate immediately, and act quickly and decisively!
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Decision Making
Here are some tips on handling this unfortunate, but sometimes necessary function.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Family Businesses That Work Well Together
This article discusses the importance of trust and collaboration, and clear delegation of responsibility. While these are not radical concepts in the business world, they often become more challenging within the family dynamic. It's interesting to read how these businesses navigated these issues.
If you work in a family business, I'd be interested in hearing how you have dealt with the complexity of running an operation and keeping peace in the family.
Friday, April 20, 2012
“Delegate and Trust”
Friday, March 30, 2012
I recently read an INC. article by Damian Bazadona entitled “6 Traits of Great Leaders”
He nailed the most important ones. His entire list is extremely important to a leader's personal and professional success.
However, I would like to submit there is a seventh trait: the ability to give responsibility to others and let them do their best.
Many entrepreneurs cannot get it through their heads they cannot do everything themselves. They must give responsibility to their managers to get the job done well and many times better than the entrepreneur alone.
In the many businesses I owned and managed, giving responsibility to others to get the job done was, quite frankly, difficult to do early on. However, once I learned this was the only way a business would grow and prosper, I found it much easier to delegate.
Read the article; tell me what you think.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Business for Sale?
I was reading an interesting article the other day on selling one’s business, and some thoughts came to mind.
As you grow your business, you must always keep in mind that everything has a life-cycle. If you subscribe to this belief, you must always keep in mind that your business will probably be sold one day.
In order to realize full value for all your years of hard work, you should pay very close attention to the questions raised in this article; it has some great stuff in it. And frankly, if liquidation is a real consideration, then it is probably too late to do anything else.
That said, an executive coach can keep you centered on the areas that are most important in growing your top line and, more importantly, your bottom line. A coach will make you aware of the unstated assets that are not on your balance sheet such as Quality of Management, and the value of your name, just to mention a couple of important items.
Here are some situations where a good Executive Coach can help you get maximum value:
- Identifying and clearly articulating the owner’s personal and professional goals
- Identifying the priorities to make the business more valuable in sales, profits and quality of management
- Identifying and articulating the Uniqueness of your product or service
- Strong financial controls
- Re-investment in plant and equipment
- Awareness of your competition and what they are doing in the marketplace
- Employee compensation and motivation
- Having someone where you may have an opportunity to talk, express your fears, wants needs and desires.
Being at the top can be a very lonely place.
What thoughts are on your mind concerning your business? Perhaps we should talk.